Why Golf Businesses Need Great Training Too
Golf courses, country clubs, golf training schools, golf retailers, landscaping companies and other golf-related businesses need employees who excel in sales, customer retention, customer service, and all the other core skills that bring success to any kind of company. And how can they cultivate people who have those skills in abundance? They need great training programs.
That explains why I am especially excited to report that my article, “The True Costs of Training,” has just been published in the latest issue of Golf Business Magazine, the leading publication for companies that do business in the world of golf. I invite you to Click Here, go to page 51, and read the article for yourself.Here’s a short excerpt to whet your appetite . . .“Any way you look at it, you pay for training. However, investing in training up front can provide 10 times or greater return on your dollar. What’s more, training is the safest investment you can make. If you spend more money on advertising, it may or may not be effective in bringing customers to your business. Training is about improving results with the customers you already have.”Here at Ingage Consulting and our sister company Tortal Training, we are evangelists for training. We know from long experience that it is the key to helping companies grow, build customer loyalty, keep their best employees and achieve success. I’m hoping that my article in Golf Business will help more golf-related companies discover training’s transforming power.